Draghoda Clan

— Created by Cyprin & Aso

Long ago it was said the dragons ruled the land, but they struggled to adapt as the world changed. Soon it begun to reject them, their existence was growing rare by the days, and knew they had to evolve to survive. Coming across a group of wolves within the north, these dragons were taught how to intermingle with their kind, and vice versa taught them of their own origins. Eventually these famed dragons lost their prowess, their flight, their scales, and even the breath that gave them strength. They learned to mimic, become soley like a wolf — though it's said their blood flows strongly among the kind to this day. If one were to listen closely, there are rumors on the wind, that some dragons are still mixed within the crowd, unseen and unheard, waiting for their moment to return.

These wolves were mainly located in the north, tightly associated with the sea. They breathed the cold and salt of the northern coast, and many wolves who hail know of Draghoda always feel a calling. They mainly lived at cliffs with easy access to beaches.

They specifically speak a language called Draghoda that was called the language of the dragons, although no one can say it's true or not. The origin behind it sounds a mixture of russian & finish with some norwegian language mixed in. The official language is made up.

May the dragons guide you.

These are wolves who believed their history came from dragons, and often refers them as The Ancients, or the Old Dragons, there are a handful of them that are valued and remembered through history, similar to a Deity, but not exactly a God. They act like guardians to the world and a safety net for the next life or even afterlife, many whom stride and pray to as well so they can harness the strength those individuals poses, for each dragon rules within their own domain. They helped create the world that once was, before it had rejected them.

Wolves that are strengthened by the cold winds and harsh seas, they pride themselves through body and soul who believe in their own strength and the bonds that they create. Often fearless, even reckless due to the confidence they hold, however it can be said they are rather rational, but maybe even cold. They were raised and taught, that survival to their own and to those who are close to them is a priority. A Draghoda wolf's loyalty and even a debt is one for eternity, they do not take these bonds lightly. They try to raise their descendants with honor, pride, strength, and trust to their fellow members and friends.

As they highly value skills within themselves, there are a few special individuals that rise above, and many who try to follow 'The Path of the Dragon,' a trade secret to those of this origin. It is said those who follow this path fear no death, for they are entrusted with reincarnation by the very dragons they worship. Even more fearsome when they find their destined partner, through and through — between the two who master their skills, they become top trade-wolves of this origin.

The Twelve Dragons
Though it is noted there are many dragons and all with their specific individuality, there are twelve in total that are most noted to those who believe in the draconic culture. Many wolves tend to pick one they idolize and hope to gain their respect through a lifetime. Eventually, followers are blessed when they have reached the pinnacle of unity and nirvana. 

"Chiapeony, mother of nature.” [ ch - ee - ah - pee - oh - n - ee ]
She is said to be the mother of life, an earth-dragon who rained down to the mortal lands and gifted the world its greenery with the wind from her wings. Though beloved, she once was an ignored dragon; many forgot her for centuries. She was brought forth once more by The Order of the Jade Rose, when the war between them and [REDACTED] ended, and peace was obtained. Taught to cherish nature and respect, she is now adored through the seasons.

“Shythanar, moon giver.” [ shi - than - ar ]
It is said she is the dragon who gave the moon to the sky, as it is her scale itself. As darkness was eternal, many were lost in its abyss, falling prey to the death dragon Daryseroas. Shythanar is the one who brought light to the world so that they may see the terrors they could be facing. Shythanar is a shimmering beauty, but often left in forgotten memories.

“Olron, the sun giver.” [ all - ron ]
Reckless in youth, a fire dragon who was like an eternal fireball, for he seemed to never not be surrounded by flames of terror. It was said his birth took away the warmth from the lands, and gave it an eternal frosting. Endlessly burning and hurting those around, as well as cursed for taking away the land's warmth, he turned to the sky, and remained above, providing the fire he was born with, and watching those around, wishing to be amongst them. Legends like to play that he was envious of Shythanar, who can mingle with the mortals while he must endlessly be punished for his birthright. Though other articles say he fell for her beauty and gentle nature, something he could never see, only peak for a moment as she only appeared during the night - when he would not be around, letting the heat go to rest.

“Nathesdied, the waterbearer.” [ nah - thes - died ]
A water dragon who guarded the coast as many victims had fallen into the waters. She is savior to those who dipped into the depths and is often asked to give a blessing before stepping into any body of water so that they may safely return to land.

“Rembeodes, strength of the sea.” [ rem - bee - oh - des ]
A water dragon who is said to be the opposite of Nathesdied, for he is the one who makes the water especially dangerous. While she is the protector, he tempts anyone away from his territory, being especially aggressive with strong currents. It is said he is the cause of tsunamis and rains as his anger spreads to the land. Respecting the water, one will return to land safely along with Nathesdied as guide.

“Pryvrocra, the warrior.” [ pry - vr - oh - cra ]
Often the most well-liked of them all, Pryvrocra is a fire-dragon who is the pinnacle of mercenary experience. Though during his prime it was said he was a savage, causing terror to the land, he was revered for his strength. He is often idolized for his qualities, but many are warned not to fully trust him; one may fall into his madness of bloodlust.

“Cinderroth, the guardian.” [ sin - durr - roth ]
A fire dragon much like Pryvroca, often the one to subdue his temper. It is said they are within an endless fight deep within the earth, as Ciderroth fights off his temperament, and protects those above. He is revered as a protector, for once was known to defend the land from those who brought forth disaster. A favorite amongst dragons, and often asked for protection and strength from.

“Mayadias, death in depth.” [ may - ah - die - ahs ]
While one brought life, another brings forth death. He is a death dragon, though not to be feared; rather than forcing death, he simply ends before the suffering begins, awaiting the dead to begin anew in another life. Like a guardian and a guiding light to the afterlife, Mayndias shepherds the dead to the depths of the shadows, tucking them safely into an endless slumber. It is said he is anywhere the darkness is: to the bottom of caves, the deep dark trenches within the sea... He is there, watching.

“Dayrseroas, the death-bringer.” [ day - sir - rows ]
While one death dragon brings eternal peace, Dayrseroas does not. Purposely causing its end, he is a menace to the dragons itself and said to be the ruler of hell itself — though that is just speculation. A disarray to the world itself, only madmen say his name and give prayers to him, for he is someone that should be cursed rather than spoken to. To be feared especially so, no one truly knows when to expect him. One should not even curse enemies with his name.

“Grravrus, the hunter.” [ grr - rah - vur - us ]
An earth-dragon who was flightless and remained a prowler — a warrior to the hunt. It was said he tracked those who ravaged the land and pursued them as prey. He was the dragon who taught how one should hunt regardless of strength and size, and often praised after a good hunt, “praise to Grravrus, who blessed us with this hunt.”

“Horviron, the wind.” [ hor - vii - ron ]
It is said a gust of wind is a flap of Horviron's wings and a hurricane is a sign that they were near. An air dragon is often revered for their speed when it comes to riding the skies. No dragon can beat them; they are so fast that no one truly knows what they look like — not even other dragons. Rumors say that they do not have wings and simply, in a literal sense, ride the wind.

“Ziodruss, the storm.” [ ven - droo - s - ul ]
A furious thunder-dragon who controls the skies. When the sky turns dark, Ziodruss is not pleased, as someone has angered her. Known as one of the most powerful of dragons, though she is neither bad nor good, often said to be a selfish being. A whim of sorts, revered for her strength, but scorned for her indifferent nature. Some believe that thunder and lightning is a good sign; while storm terrors may strike, it means she is near and won’t let any harm come to land she resides in. She is often forgotten.

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