Nestled in a forked ring of jagged peaks, a bright pool of glacier-blue water forms a lake at the base of a broad, magnificent waterfall. During Spring and Summer months, the area surrounding the lake is carpeted with herbs and flora that benefit from the nutrient-rich soil, and in the Autumn, dozens of beautiful wildflowers bloom. The waterfall is perennial, freezing over only in the coldest of winters though the majority of the lake itself freezes perfectly clear in the areas along the shore.
Submitted | Awarded |
+1 submitted by Miriam 08-07-2022 | Awarded by Aso 08-07-2022 |
+1 submitted by West Tyree 08-05-2022 | Awarded by gerra 08-06-2022 |
+4 submitted by Orlaith 07-26-2022 | Awarded by Chan 07-26-2022 |
+2 submitted by Aruna 06-29-2022 | Awarded by Chan 06-30-2022 |
+2 submitted by Gwyn 06-29-2022 | Awarded by Chan 06-30-2022 |
+4 submitted by Orlaith 04-18-2022 | Awarded by gerra 04-19-2022 |
+2 submitted by Moosebellow 03-09-2022 | Awarded by Aso 03-09-2022 |
+3 submitted by Miriams 12-01-2021 | Awarded by Aso 12-02-2021 |
+1 submitted by Miriams 12-01-2021 | Awarded by Aso 12-01-2021 |