Located in Rocky Outcrops
Rocky Outcrops
A grassy field with rocks sticking up out of the ground all over like jagged claws reaching out from beneath the earth.
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
(05/14/2022) Greenwood has stabilised! Meanwhile, preparations for the June celebration of Litha have begun.
Find out more here!
Acronym: GWFounded: 04/02/2022
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skill: Focused Ecologist
Rocky OutcropsSTATISTICS
5 ♀ · 1 ♂ · 1 ⚥ 7 Adults · 0 Pups
0 Births · 0 Deaths
Greenwood is inspired by the power of nature. They focus on learning about each aspect of it and use it to its full extent to aid the pack and its allies. Members are encouraged to speciliaze in Ecologist skills. It is a Celtic/Druid inspired pack with a secret group of warriors who’s sole purpose is to protect those within its walls.
Their Symbol.
Beautiful, strong and dangerous. It can offer food with their berries and a beautiful smell with their blossoms. The rose is known for aromatherapy due to their smell, thought of to be miraculous and full of medicinal properties. The Rose is considered a sacred flower and celebrated during Yule Festivities.