Otherwise known as Trickster's Pass, these paths lead to the rumored rewards, though what specifically varies from tale to tale. From the base, the climb appears easy, though as one continues, the trails grow more confusing and challenging. Many dangers await and it is not uncommon for someone to go missing or end up mysteriously back at the start. Some say the climb is more akin to a maze than a mountain with paths ever-changing. Aside from glory seekers, it is also common for folks to come to train their bodies and minds.
Submitted | Awarded |
+3 submitted by Hieronymous 01-16-2022 | Awarded by Aso 01-16-2022 |
+1 submitted by Orlaiths 01-16-2022 | Awarded by Aso 01-16-2022 |
+3 submitted by Orlaiths 01-16-2022 | Awarded by Aso 01-16-2022 |
+5 submitted by Hieronymous 01-16-2022 | Awarded by Aso 01-16-2022 |
+5 submitted by Hieronymous 11-26-2021 | Awarded by Zina 12-02-2021 |