

A standard foothill-riparian forest on first glance, the forest's name comes from mispronunciation of the Latin word ripa, meaning riverbank. The name takes on an unintentional second meaning as one travels through the riparian forest; all of the trees here, regardless of lineage or age, produce sap that is blood-red in hue, giving the forest the appearance of a creature ripped open.

A standard foothill-riparian forest on first glance. Its proximity to a river ensures that a wide diversity of herbaceous plants can flourish here, even as the canopy is dominated by old-growth cottonwoods, alders, willows, and aspens. While the forest's bounty can be alluring to herbivores and herbalists alike, many may be put off by the abnormality of the local trees: they all, regardless of species or age, produce sap that is reminiscent of blood. Those who dare to taste the sap will remark that it tastes no different than those produced by trees in other locations, but the eerie color can be enough to deter most. The forest's name comes from the mispronunciation of the Latin word ripa, meaning riverbank. The name takes on an unintentional second meaning as one travels through the bloody-looking riparian forest.

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+2 submitted by Taikon 07-14-2022 Awarded by Aso 07-16-2022
+2 submitted by Desdemona 07-14-2022 Awarded by Rebel 07-14-2022
+1 submitted by Miriam 06-17-2022 Awarded by Chan 06-18-2022
+3 submitted by Orlaith 06-03-2022 Awarded by Rebel 06-05-2022
+1 submitted by Desdemona 04-14-2022 Awarded by Aso 04-15-2022
+3 submitted by Desdemona 04-14-2022 Awarded by Aso 04-15-2022
+1 submitted by Meldresi 11-06-2021 Awarded by Aso 11-07-2021
+5 submitted by Meldresi 11-06-2021 Awarded by Aso 11-07-2021
+4 submitted by Meldresi 11-06-2021 Awarded by Aso 11-07-2021
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