Often do herds wander into these golden open plains, relishing in the sun on cloudless days to nap in groups. Within the plains, celosia argentea flowers can be found, a spot of vibrancy to the otherwise rather dull area. It's delectable to ungulates who often will snack on these colorful flowers.
Submitted | Awarded |
+5 submitted by Calhoun 11-02-2021 | Awarded by Zina 11-04-2021 |
+3 submitted by Calhoun 11-02-2021 | Awarded by Zina 11-03-2021 |
+4 submitted by Célnes 10-24-2021 | Awarded by Aso 10-25-2021 |
+1 submitted by Célnes 10-20-2021 | Awarded by Aso 10-20-2021 |
+0 submitted by Célnes 10-20-2021 | Awarded by Aso 10-20-2021 |