Sundance Grove

Sundance Grove

Sundance Grove, a verdant, bustling forest whose name hails from the abundance of glades dotted within allowing a wealth of sunlight to dapple the floors. As a result the woods are home to what appears like a plethora of mini meadows lush with blooming flowers tucked between the trees. Turning into coruscating carpets when the sun dances off the gleam of their vibrant colours, seeming to light up even the shadiest nooks and crannies where the trees huddle closest.

This location was discovered by our members!

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Point Logs

Submitted Awarded
+1 submitted by Miriam 06-17-2022 Awarded by Chan 06-18-2022
+3 submitted by Miriam 06-17-2022 Awarded by Chan 06-18-2022
+4 submitted by Célnes 06-03-2022 Awarded by gerra 06-06-2022
+5 submitted by Mystery 04-13-2022 Awarded by Chan 04-14-2022
+1 submitted by Krakarak 03-15-2022 Awarded by gerra 03-18-2022
+1 submitted by Célnes 03-08-2022 Awarded by Aso 03-08-2022
+3 submitted by Aerithhhh 11-20-2021 Awarded by Aso 11-20-2021
+4 submitted by Tetsujin 10-16-2021 Awarded by Aso 10-16-2021
+1 submitted by Tetsujin 10-16-2021 Awarded by Aso 10-16-2021
+2 submitted by Tetsujin 10-16-2021 Awarded by Aso 10-16-2021
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